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You must sign-in prior to fishing to participate in the festival. You can sign-in on Friday 11th October, 7pm to 9:30pm or 8am to 8:30am on Saturday, Sunday & Monday at the Dartmouth Angling Club, Oxford Street. ​


Sign in prices:

Senior 3 days: £35

Junior 3 days: £10

Senior Day: £15

Junior Day: £5



Our rules should be strictly adhered to for everyones safety and enjoyment.

All specimens will be based on Dartmouth festival weights.  All rules will be strictly enforced Any competitor bringing undersized fish to the ‘weigh-in’ scales will be disqualified.   

CONSERVATION: please bring only your best specimen of each species to the scales. Thank you. 

One fish one prize. Only listed fish over 50% of specimen weight will be eligible for senior prizes & junior prizes.


Section 1

Boat, Anywhere within 1.5 miles off Berry Head to 1.5 mile off Prawle Point - excluding wreck and River Dart. See map on back page.


Section 2

Shore, Area: River Yelm to River Teign.


Section 3

River - Boat Only, Tidal Reaches of River Dart, Upstream from a line stretching

between Dartmouth Castle to Kingswear Castle, Inside the Check Stone.


Section 4

Wreck, Any wreck inshore or offshore.


1. Privately-owned boats may enter the Competition providing the Entrance Fee is paid. It is permissible for only one person to fish from a boat.

2. Competitors should be aboard their boats by 8.45 a.m. on the first day of the Festival for a 9.00 a.m. start. Fishing may be continuous until the final weigh in time of 4.30 p.m. on the Monday. In case of bad weather the boatman has the power to decide when to leave or return to port, not the competitor, even though this may result in a curtailment of fishing time. No lines in the water before 9.30 a.m. on start day.

3. Competitors must bring their catch in correctly labelled bags to the bag steward at the Band Stand. Mixing of labels per box/bag will not be accepted, boxes for catch will be provided.

Weigh in times will be as follows:-

Saturday   5.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m. and Sunday     5.30 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Monday    4.30 p.m. Last bags/catch accepted 5.00 p.m.

Size limits to Regional Standards. All fish to be collected by the competitor within 15 minutes of completion of weigh in. Any fish not collected by this time will be disposed of by the committee.

4.  Labels can be collected between 7.00 - 9 .30 p.m. on Friday 6th October, between  8.00 - 8.30 a.m. daily from the Sign in Officials at the Dartmouth Angling Club.

5.       On the event of a tie, all cash prizes will be split between winners.

6.         The signal for starting on the first day will be fired from the Starting Point outside the   Dartmouth Yacht Club. A five minute warning will be fired. At the start, a boat flying a       Blue and White chequered flag will lead the boats out of the harbour. Boats must not overtake this vessel until the flag is lowered to do so will mean being disqualified for that             day, for exceeding harbour speed limits. The Commodores decision will be final

7.         Any infringement of the Local Rules shall disqualify the             competitor so offending will be        dealt with by the Committee

8.         The power of the Committee is paramount in respect of all matters relating to this competition, and the Committee can delegate the same to the Commodore ap pointed by them. The Committee reserves the right to reject any entry, in which case all fees will be refunded. Any matter arising during the Festival not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee, whose decision will be final.

9. One fish 1 prize, except individual Day prize. No competitor shall be eligible to take more than one prize in each class with one fish.

10. No Competitor shall be entitled to hold more than one trophy, except a special, with one species of fish.

11. PROTESTS - A Competitor wishing to lodge a protest during the Festival must do so in writing and hand that protest to the Festival Secretary or Chairman within one hour of completion of weigh-in on that day accompanied by a fee of £10.00, the fee to be re funded if the protest is upheld by the Committee.

12. Competitors fishing as Juniors must be under 16 years of age on October 1st 2023 and are not eligible for a cash prize.

13. Competitors to supply their own bait and fish containers.

14. Mackerel and Lesser Spotted will be accepted in the Shore Section only. Minimum size for Mackerel is 1lb and LSD is 2lb, £50 prize for the largest specimen in both categories.

These are not eligible for any other main prizes.

15. Onus is on all winners to collect their prizes and trophies.

16. Two rods - three hooks maximum may be used.

17. Competitors fishing all sections are reminded that a total Bass ban applies to the

River Dart.

18. Anglers fishing from pontoons are deemed to be boat anglers.

19.   Anglers may only fish from areas that are open to public access. Fishing from re- stricted public access is prohibited and anglers found to be fishing such areas will be disqualified.

20.     All competitors will be responsible for the security of their prizes.


NOTES: Section 1. In case of inclement of weather, boats may fish River Dart, but must weigh in fish under Section I.

All rules will be strictly enforced.





Competitors will be responsible for paying their boatman direct. Boatmen are requested to see that they are ready to leave opposite the Dartmouth Yacht Club by 9:00 a.m. sharp on the first day. No lines in the water before 9:30 a.m. from any boat for any reason includes bait on the first day Competitors to be aboard their boats by 8:45 a.m. on the first day. The Boatman should inform the Competitors in his boat 15 minutes be-fore starting for home. In case of bad weather, the skipper/boatman has the power to decide when to leave or return to port, not the Competitor, even though this may result in a curtailment of the fishing time. In case of a breakdown a motor boat may tow you home and a suitable allowance will be made. Any infringement of the Rules will disqualify the Competitors.








We are an independent fishing festival that has been held in Dartmouth, Devon for over 50 years. Prizes are offered for shore, river, sea and wreck fishing with women's and children's prizes also up for grabs. Come and join us for a great weekend of fishing.



Monday, October 7th, 2024.

The prize presentation night at the Dartmouth Yacht Club at 8:30 pm on the Monday night will be as per usual, with trophies presented with cash and rod prizes.

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